Quick start demo
1. Simple AV project
Repository Structure
This repository contains the following key directories:
- simple_av/: Contains the main nodes for the Simple_AV system, including
. - V2X_messages/: Includes the custom ROS message definitions that interface with the AWSIM environment.
- simple_av_msgs/: Defines internal message types used for communication between the Simple_AV nodes.
- .github/workflows/: Contains the GitHub Actions workflows for Continuous Integration (CI) and deployment of the documentation.
- docs/: The source files for the project documentation, written using MkDocs.
- mkdocs.yml: The configuration file for MkDocs, which defines the structure and theme of the documentation site.
Getting Started
To use this project, you'll need to set up a ROS 2 workspace and clone the necessary packages.
Step 0: Setup the Environment.
Refer to the system setup page for detailed instructions.
Step 1: Create a ROS Workspace
First, create a new ROS workspace:
mkdir -p ~/ros_ws/src
Step 2: Clone the Repository
Next, clone this repository into the src directory of your workspace:
cd ~/ros_ws/src
git clone https://github.com/hoosh-ir/simple_av.git
Step 3: Build the Workspace
After cloning the repository, build the workspace using colcon:
cd ~/ros_ws/
colcon build
The workspace should look like this after running colcon build
├── build/
├── install/
├── log/
└── src/
├── docs/
├── mkdocs.yml
├── V2X_messages/
├── simple_av_msgs/
└── simple_av/
├── package.xml
├── resource/
├── setup.cfg
├── launch/
│ └── simple_av_launch.py
└── simple_av/
├── control.py
├── localization.py
└── planning.py
Step 4: Source the Workspace
Finally, source the workspace to make the ROS packages available:
source ~/ros_ws/install/setup.bash
Step 5: Running the project
You can run the project by either running the launch file or by manually starting each node in sequence.
Run the launch file:
ros2 launch simple_av simple_av_launch.py
Or, run the nodes manually:
ros2 run simple_av localization
ros2 run simple_av perception
ros2 run simple_av planning
ros2 run simple_av control
2. Awsim Environmet
The current Windows build version is (v6.3.1).
You can download the build version(For Windows) to use our build version.
(Download Kashiwa Windows Build files (unitypackage) {.md-button .md-button--primary})
Right now build version is only available for Windows system.
You can use the build version in Windows and run Autoware and NetSim in WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux). For installing the requirements for WSL, check System Setup Process.
For better performance, we suggest users use the build version, but the Unity project version is more flexible in terms of manipulating different parameters.
Currently, the build version is not available for Ubuntu. However, you can follow the instructions in How to build section and build your Ubuntu version.
please check the following section How to build.
How to build
You can use the Kashiwa unity package and import it to Unity (Setup Unity Project), then follow the below instructions for building the Ubuntu version.

Note: Old models currently exist in the exported scene to be used in the future if required. We recommend deleting these objects from the scene when you are building your project to achieve better performance at runtime.

To build your project :
- Ensure that your changes have been saved by pressing Ctrl + S.
- Go to File > Build Settings.

- Drag and drop your scene into the box and make sure to check the highlighted checkbox.
- Press Build and choose the location to save your project.
Maps required for Autoware
To use Autoware in Kashiwa, Lanelet2 and point cloud (PCD) maps of Kashiwa are required. Download them from the following link.
PCD of Kashiwa is made from the 3D simulation environment to match both in simulation and Autoware.